Questions about your exams? Here's what to do:
- Go check the answer key posted on the web
and carefully consult for discrepancies.
- All requests for reevaluation of your score must be made IN WRITING.
No exceptions!
- If you have a problem with the difference between the key and your
answer (i.e. grading only), direct your written statement to the appropriate
person as listed below. Provide a clear explanation of why you think points
were not issued correctly. Be advised that we reserve the right to look
over your ENTIRE exam upon resubmission. This means that, while you MAY
gain points on your requested question, you also risk LOSS of points on
that question or ANYWHERE else on the exam if we find errors we did not
catch or were initially lenient towards.
Problem |
contact |
1 |
Barry |
2 |
Josh |
3 |
Michelle |
4 |
Michelle |
5 |
Kristi |
6 |
Kristi |
7 |
Colleen |
8 |
Josh |
- If you have a problem concerning the actual question or the answer
key itself, direct your WRITTEN request to Barry.
- Requests must be turned in within ONE week of the date exams are returned.
- Regrades are absolutely final - that is, they will not go to Barry
if a TA reevaluates them once already.
- If you have a question simply regarding clarification of the grading
(AFTER having consulted the key) and are not requesting REGRADE (can't
read comments, points don't add up, etc), please feel free to speak to
us any time.
- Do keep in mind that all of your exams have been photocopied.