
Corl, A., Bi, K., Luke, C., Challa, A. S., Stern, A. J., Sinervo, B., Nielsen, R.   2018.  The Genetic Basis of Adaptation following Plastic Changes in Coloration in a Novel Environment.  Current Biology.  28: 1-8.  [link]

        A press release for the paper can be found here:

        And a video abstract of the paper can be found here:

        And a Current Biology Dispatch about our study can be found here:

        And a Science Magazine story + podcast discussing our study can be found here:

Gilman, C., Corl, A., Sinervo, B., Irschick, D.  Mating strategy determines genital morphology in the polymorphic lizard, Uta stansburiana.  Journal of Morphology.  2018.  1-9.  [link]

Rogers, R., Zhou, L., Chu, C., Márquez, R., Corl, A., Linderoth, T., Freeborn, L., McManes, M., Xiong, Zheng, J., Guo, C. Z., Xun, X., Kronforst, M., Summers, K., Wu, Yang, H., Y., Richards-Zawacki, C., Zhang, G., Nielsen, R.  2018.  Genomic takeover by transposable elements in the strawberry poison frog.  Molecular Biology and Evolution. 35: 2913–2927.  [link]

von May, R., Catenazzi, A., Corl, A., Santa-Cruz, R., Carnaval, A., Moritz, C.  2017. Divergence  of thermal physiological traits in terrestrial breeding frogs along a tropical elevational gradient.  Ecology and Evolution.  00:1-11.  [link]

Reilly*, S. B., A. Corl*, and D. B. Wake. 2015.  An integrative approach to phylogeography: Investigating the effects of ancient seaways, climate, and historical geology on multi-locus phylogeographic boundaries of the Arboreal Salamander (Aneides lugubris).  BMC Evolutionary Biology.  15:241.  [link]

        *These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.

McGuire, J.A., Witt, C.C., Remsen, J.V., Corl, A., Rabosky, D.L., Altshuler, D.L.,

Dudley, R.  2014.  Molecular Phylogenetics and the Diversification of Hummingbirds. Current Biology.  24:910-916. [link]

(See news article at:

Corl, A., and H. Ellegren. 2013.  Sampling strategies for species trees: the effects on phylogenetic inference of the number of genes, number of individuals, and whether loci are mitochondrial, sex-linked, or autosomal.  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 67: 358–366.  [link]   One of the top five most downloaded articles in MPE in 2013. 

Corl, A., L.T. Lancaster, and B. Sinervo. 2012. Rapid formation of reproductive isolation between two populations of Side-Blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana. Copeia. 4: 593-602.  [link]    Winner of Copeia’s “Best Paper Young Scholar, Herpetology” Award for 2012.

Rabosky, ARD, A. Corl, Y. Surget-Groba, H. Liwang, and B. Sinervo. 2012. Direct fitness correlates and thermal consequences of facultative aggregation in a desert lizard. PLoS One. 7: 1-8.  [link]

Corl, A., H. Ellegren. 2012. The genomic signature of sexual selection in the genetic diversity of the sex chromosomes and autosomes.  Evolution. 66: 2138–2149. [link]

Davis A.R., A. Corl, Y. Surget-Groba, and B. Sinervo. 2011. Convergent evolution of kin-based sociality in a lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Society – B. 278: 1507–1514.  [link]

Corl, A., A. Davis, S. R. Kuchta, and B. Sinervo. 2010. Selective loss of polymorphic mating types is associated with rapid phenotypic evolution during morphic speciation. PNAS. 107: 4254-4259.  [link]

    (See a news article about this research at:

Corl, A., A. R. Davis, S. R. Kuchta, T. Comendant, and B. Sinervo. 2010. Alternative mating strategies and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana: a population-level comparative analysis. Evolution. 64: 79-96.   [link]

Corl, A.  2007.  The role of alternative mating strategies in speciation in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana.  Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz. 111 p.   [link]

Sinervo B, Heulin B, Surget-Groba Y, Clobert J, Miles DB, Corl A, Chaine A, and Davis A. 2007.  Models of density-dependent genic selection and a new rock-paper-scissors social system.  The American Naturalist.  170: 663-680.  [link]

    (See a news article about this research at: