PUBLICATIONS: 119 Published peer-reviewed works (103 published journal articles, 16 book chapters).

103) LaDage, L. D.; R. M. Maged, Roxolana, M. V. Forney, T. C. Roth II, B. Sinervo, V. V. Pravosudov, Vladimir V. Interaction between territoriality, spatial environment, and hippocampal neurogenesis in male side-blotched lizards. Behavioral Neuroscience 127: 555-565. doi: 10.1037/a0032852

102) Boretto, J. M., F. Cabezas-Cartes, E. L. Kubisch, B. Sinervo, and N. R. IbargŸengoyat’a. 2013. Volcanic ashes from the Puyehue-Cord—n Caulle eruption affected female reproduction and body mass of the endemic lizard Phymaturus spectabilis from Patagonia (Argentina). Herpetological Conservation and Biology, in press.

101) Boretto, J. M., F. Cabezas-Cartes, F. Tappari, F. R. MendŽz-De la Cruz, B. Sinervo, B., A. J. Scolaro and N. R. IbargŸengoyat’a. 2013. Female lizards skip reproduction in cold and harsh environments of Patagonia, Argentina: Reproductive biology of Phymaturus spectabilis (Liolaemidae). Herpetological Conservation and Biology, in press.

100) Paranjpe, D. A., E. Bastiaans, A. Patten, R. D. Cooper, and B. Sinervo 2013. Evidence of maternal effects on temperature preference in side-blotched lizards: implications for evolutionary response to climate change. Evolutionary Ecology. doi: 10.1002/ece3.614.

99) San-Jose, L. M., F. Granado-Larencio, B. Sinervo, and P. Fitze. 2013. Iridophores and Not Carotenoids Account for Chromatic Variation of Carotenoid-Based Coloration in Common Lizards (Lacerta vivipara ). American Naturalist 181:396-409.

98) Luja, V. H., B. Sinervo and R. Rodriguez-Estrella. 2013. Observaciones sobre la dieta de la culebra de agua Thamnophis hammondii en un oasis de Baja California Sur, MŽxico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 84: 697-700, DOI: 10.7550/rmb.32185.

97) LaDage, L.D., T. C. Roth, A. M. Cerjanic, B. Sinervo, and V. V. Pravosudov. 2012. Spatial memory: are lizards really deficient? Biol. Lett. 2012 8, doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2012.0527

96) Corl, A., L. Lancaster and B. Sinervo. 2012. Rapid Formation of Reproductive Isolation between Two Populations of Side-Blotched Lizards, Uta stansburiana. Copeia 2012:593-602. (Awarded Best Paper in Copeia, 2013 at the Joint Meetings of Ichthyology and Herpetology)

95) Medina, M., A. Scolaro, F. R. MŽndez De la Cruz, B. Sinervo, D. B. Miles, N. IbargŸengoyt’a. 2012. Thermal biology of genus Liolaemus: A phylogenetic approach reveals advantages of the genus to survive climate change. Journal Thermal Biology, 37: 579-586.

94) Vercken, E., Sinervo, B. and Clobert, J. 2012. The importance of a good neighbourhood: social environment and dispersal decisions in common lizards. Behavioral Ecology, 23: 1059-1067.

93) Davis Robosky AR, A. Corl, Y. Surget-Groba, H.E. Liwang, and B. Sinervo. 2012. Direct Fitness Correlates and Thermal Consequences of Facultative Aggregation in a Desert Lizard.  PLoS ONE 7(7): e40866. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040866

92) Scoular, K. M., W. C. Caffry, J. L. Tillman, E. S. Finan, S. K. Scwartz, B. Sinervo, and P. Zani. 2011. Multiyear home-range ecology of common side-blotched lizards in Eastern Oregon with additional analysis of geographic variation in home-range size. Herpetological Monographs 25: 52-75.

91) Medina, M., B. Sinervo, and N. IbargŸengoyt’a 2011. Thermal relationships between body temperature and environment conditions set upper distributional limits on oviparous species. J. Therm. Biol. 36, 527-534.

90) Sinervo B, D. B. Miles, N. Mart’nez-MŽndez, R. Lara-Resendiz, and F. R. MŽndez-de-la-Cruz. 2011. Reponse to Comment on ÒErosion of lizard diversity by climate change and altered thermal niches. Science 332:537-538.

89) Heulin, B., Y. Surget-Groba, B. Sinervo, D. B. Miles, and A. Guiller. 2010. Dynamics of haplogroup frequencies and survival rates in a contact zone of two mtDNA lineages of the lizard Lacerta vivipara. Ecography 34: 436-447.

88) Vercken, M., J. Clobert and B. Sinervo. 2010. Frequency-dependent reproductive success in female common lizards: a real-life hawk–dove–bully game? Oecologia 162: 49-58.

87) Camargo, A. R., B. Sinervo, and J. W. Sites Jr. 2010. Lizards as model organisms for linking phylogeographic and speciation studies. Molecular Ecology 17: 3250-3270.

86) Davis, A, A. Corl, Y. Surget-Groba and B. Sinervo. 2010. Convergent evolution of kin-based sociality in a lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B: doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.1703.

85) Sinervo B, F. R. MŽndez-de-la-Cruz, D. B. Miles, B. Heulin, E. Bastiaans, M. Villagran-Santa Cruz, R. Lara-Resendiz, N. Mart’nez-MŽndez, M. L. Calder—n-Espinosa, R. N. Meza-L‡zaro, H. Gadsden, L. J. Avila, M. Morando, I. J. De la Riva, P. Victoriano Sepulveda, C. F. Duarte Rocha, N. IbargŸengoyt’a, C. A. Puntriano, M. Massot, V. Lepetz, T. A. Oksanen, D. G. Chapple, A. M. Bauer, W. R. Branch, J. Clobert, J. W. Sites, Jr. 2010. Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change and altered thermal niches. Science, 324:894-899.

84) Lancaster, L. T., A. G. McAdam, and B. Sinervo. 2010. Maternal effects and body shape variation integrate alternative reproductive and antipredator strategies: Stocky is sneaky and lean is mean. Evolution doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.00941.x.

83) Corl, A., A. R. Davis, S. R. Kuchta, and B. Sinervo. 2010. Selective loss of polymorphic mating types is associated with rapid phenotypic evolution during morphic speciation Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 107: 4294-4259.

82) Barker, F. K., M. Clamp, A. J. Crawford, R. Hanner, O. H. Hanotte, W. Johnson, J. McGuire, W. Miller, R. W. Murphy, W. J. Murphy, F. H. Sheldon, B. Sinervo, B. Venkatesh, E. O. Wiley, F. W. Allendorf, S. Baker, G. Bernardi, S. Brenner, J. Cracraft, M. Diekhans, S. Edwards, J. Estes, P. Gaubert, A. Graphodatsky, J. A. Marshall Graves, E. D. Green, P. Hebert, K. M. Helgen, B. Kessing, D. M. Kingsley, H. A. Lewin, G. Luikart, P. Martelli, N. Nguyen, G. Orti, B. L. Pike, D. M. Rawson, S. C. Schuster, H. Nicol‡s Seu‡nez, H. B. Shaffer, M. S. Springer, J. M. Stuart, E. Teeling, R. C. Vrijenhoek, R. D. Ward, R. Wayne, T. M. Williams, N. D. Wolfe, Y.-P. Zhang. 2009. Genome 10K: A Proposition to Obtain Whole Genome Sequence for 10,000 Vertebrate Species. Journal of Heredity 100: 659-674.

81) Svensson, E. I., A. G. McAdam, and B. Sinervo. 2009. Intralocus sexual conflict over immune defense and the resolution of gender load in a natural lizard population. Evolution 63: 3124-3135.

80) Corl, A., A. Davis, S. Kuchta, T. Comendant, and B. Sinervo. 2009. Alternative Mating Strategies and the Evolution of Sexual Size Dimorphism in the Side-Blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana:  A Population-Level Comparative Analysis, Evolution doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00791.x.

79) LaDage, L. D., B. J. Riggs, B. Sinervo, and V. V. Pravosudov. 2009. Dorsal cortex volume in male side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana, is associated with different space use strategies. Animal Behaviour 78: 91-96

78) Lancaster, L., Hipsley, C. and Sinervo, B. 2009. Female choice for optimal combinations of multiple male display traits increases offspring survival. Behavioral Ecology doi:10.1093/beheco/arp088.

77) Kuchta, S., Krakauer, A. H. and Sinervo, B. 2008. Why does the yellow-eyed Ensatina have yellow eyes? Batesian mimicry of Pacific Newts (Genus Taricha) by the salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica. Evolution doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00338.x.

76) Sinervo, B,  Clobert, J., Miles, D. B., McAdam, A. G. and L. T. Lancaster. 2008. The role of pleiotropy versus signaler-receiver gene epistasis in life history trade-offs: dissecting the genomic architecture of organismal design in social systems. Heredity 101:197-207.

75) Vercken E, Sinervo B, Clobert J (2008) Colour variation in female common lizards: why we should speak of morphs, a reply to Cote et al. Journal of Evolutionary Biology doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2008.01535.x

74) Lancaster, Hazard, L., Clobert, J. and Sinervo, B. 2008. Corticosterone manipulation reveals differences in hierarchical organization of multi-dimensional reproductive trade-offs in r-strategist and K-strategist females. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 556-565.

73) Sinervo, B. and McAdam, A. 2008. Maturational costs of reproduction on clutch size and ontogenetic conflict as measured by the invisible fraction, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B., 275: 629-638.

72) Mills, S., Hazard, L., Lancaster, L., Mappes, T., Miles, D. B., Oksanen, T. and Sinervo, B. 2008. Gonadotropin hormone modulation of testosterone, immune function, performance, and behavioral trade-offs among male morphs of the lizard, Uta stansburiana. The American Naturalist, 171: 339-357.

71) Alonzo, S. and Sinervo, B. 2007. The effect of sexually antagonistic selection on adaptive sex ratio allocation. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9: 1-21.

70) Bleay, C., Comendant, T. and Sinervo, B. 2007. An experimental test of frequency dependent selection on male mating strategy in the field. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B. 274: 2019-2025.

69) Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. 2007. Correlational selection on lay date and life history traits: Experimental manipulations of territory and nest site quality. Evolution 61: 1071-1083.

68) Lancaster, L., McAdam, A., Wingfield, J. and Sinervo, B. 2007. Adaptive Social and Maternal Induction of Anti-Predator Dorsal Patterns in a Lizard with Alternative Social Strategies. Ecology Letters, 10: 798-808.

67) Meylan, S., Clobert, J., and Sinervo, B. 2007. Adaptive significance of maternal induction of density dependent phenotypes. Oikos 116: 650-661.

66) Miller, B.L. and Sinervo, B. 2007. Heritable body size mediates apparent life history trade-offs in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 1554-1562.

65) Miles, D. B., Calsbeek, R., and Sinervo, B. 2007. Corticosterone, locomotor performance, and metabolism in side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Hormones and Behavior 51: 548-554.

64) Miles, D. B., Sinervo, B., Nagy, K., Costa, D., Hazard, L., Svensson E.I. 2007. Relating endocrinology, physiology and behaviour using species with alternative mating strategies Functional Ecology 21: 653–665.

63) Sinervo, B., Heulin, B., Surget-Groba, Y., Clobert, J., Corl, A., Chaine, A, and Davis, A. 2007. Models of density-dependent genic selection and a new Rock-Paper-Scissors social system. The American Naturalist, 170: 663-680.

62) Bleay, C. and Sinervo, B. 2006. Discrete genetic variation in mate choice and a condition dependent preference function in the side blotched lizard: Implications for the formation and maintenance of co-adapted gene complexes. Behavioral Ecology 18: 304-310.

61) Sinervo, B. and Calsbeek, R. 2006. The developmental and physiological causes and consequences of frequency dependent selection in the wild. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 37: 581-610.

60) Sinervo, B., Calsbeek, R., Comendant, T., Both, C., Adamopoulou, C. and Clobert, J. 2006b. Genetic and maternal determinants of effective dispersal: the effect of sire genotype and size at birth in side-blotched lizards. The American Naturalist 168: 88-99.

59) Sinervo, B., Chaine, A., Clobert, J., Calsbeek, R., McAdam, A., Hazard, H., Lancaster, L., Alonzo, S., Corrigan, G., and M. Hochberg. 2006. Self-recognition, color signals and cycles of greenbeard mutualism and transient altruism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.). 102: 7372-7377.

58) Vercken, E., Massot, M., Sinervo, B., and Clobert, J. 2006. Colour polymorphism and alternative reproductive strategies in females of the common lizard Lacerta vivipara. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 20:221-232.

57) Sinervo, B. 2005. DarwinÕs Finch beaks, Bmp4, and the developmental origins of novelty. Heredity 10: 1-2.

56) Svensson, E.I. and Sinervo, B. 2004. The spatial scale and temporal component of selection in the side-blotched lizard. The American Naturalist 163: 726-734.

55) Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. 2004. Within-clutch variation in offspring sex determined by differences in sire body size: cryptic mate choice in the wild.  Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 464-470.

54) Costa, D. and Sinervo, B. 2004. Field Physiology: Physiological Insights from Animals in Nature. Annual Review of Physiology 66:  209-238

53) Huey, R.B., Hertz, P. and Sinervo, B. 2003. Behavioral drive versus behavioral inertia in evolution: a null model approach. The American Naturalist: 161:357-366. (Award for Best paper, American Naturalist, 2003).

52) Sinervo, B. and Calsbeek, R. 2003. Ontogenetic conflict and morphotypic selection on physiology, life history, and adaptive sex allocation. In symposium volume: Selection and evolution of performance in nature, J. Kingsolver and R.B. Huey (eds). Integrative and Comparative Biology 43: 419-430.

51) Sinervo, B. and Clobert, J. 2003. Morphs, dispersal, genetic similarity and the evolution of cooperation. Science 300: 1949-1951.

50) Sinervo, B., and Svensson, E.I. 2002. Correlational selection and the evolution of genomic architecture. Heredity 89: 329-338.

49) Hochberg, M., Sinervo, B. and Brown, S. 2003. Socially-mediated speciation. Evolution 57: 154-158.

48) Galis, F., Kundr‡t, M., and Sinervo, B. 2003. An old controversy solved: Bird embryos have five fingers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 7-9.

47) Comendant, T., Sinervo, B., Svensson, E. and Wingfield, J.  2003. Social competition, corticosterone and survival in female lizard morphs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 948-955.

46) Svensson E.I., Sinervo, B. and Comendant, T.  2002. Mechanistic and experimental analysis of condition and reproduction in a polymorphic lizard. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15: 1034-1047.

45) Calsbeek, R, and Sinervo, B.  2002a. The ontogeny of territoriality during maturation. Oecologia 132: 468-477.

44) Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. 2002b. Uncoupling direct and indirect components of female choice in the wild. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 99: 14897-14902.

43) Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. 2002c. 
An experimental test of the ideal despotic distribution. 
Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 513–523

42) Calsbeek, R., Alonzo, S.H., Zamudio, K., Sinervo, B. 2002. Sexual selection and alternative mating behaviours generate demographic stochasticity in small populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. 269: 157-164.

41) Galis, F., Sinervo, B. and Metz, J.A.J. 2002. The digital arch model reconsidered. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 405.

40) Galis, F. and Sinervo, B. 2002. Divergence and convergence in early embryonic stages of metazoans. Contributions in Zoology 71: 101-113

39) Sinervo, B. 2001a. Runaway social games, genetic cycles driven by alternative male and female strategies, and the origin of morphs. In Macroevolutionary and microevolutionary process, A. Hendry, and M. Kinnison, (eds) Genetica 112: 417-434.

38) Sinervo, B., Bleay, C. and Adamopoulou, C. 2001. Social causes of selection and the resolution of a heritable throat color polymorphism in a lizard. Evolution 55: 2040-2052.

37) Sinervo, B. and K. Zamudio. 2001. The evolution of alternative reproductive strategies, fitness differential, heritability, and genetic correlation between the sexes. Journal of Heredity, 92: 198-205.

36) Svensson E.I., Sinervo, B.  Comendant, T. 2001a. Condition, genotype-by-environment interaction, and correlational selection in lizard life-history morphs. Evolution 55: 2053-2069.

35) Svensson E.I., Sinervo, B., Comendant, T. 2001b. Density-dependent competition and selection on immune function in genetic lizard morphs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 98: 12561-12565 23: 2001.

34) Alonzo, S.H. and Sinervo, B. 2000. Mate choice games, context-dependent good genes, and genetic cycles in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology 49: 176-186.

33) Sinervo, B., Miles, D.B., Frankino, W.A. Klukowski, M., and DeNardo, D.F. 2000.  Testosterone, endurance, and Darwinian fitness: natural and sexual selection on the physiological bases of alternative male behaviors in side-blotched lizards.  Hormones and Behavior 38: 222-233.

32) Zamudio, K. and Sinervo, B. 2000. Polygyny, mate-guarding, and posthumous fertilization as alternative male mating strategies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 97:14427-14432.

31) Miles, D.B., Sinervo, B. and Frankino, W.A. 2000. Reproductive burden, locomotor performance, and the cost of reproduction in free ranging lizards. Evolution 54: 1386-1395.

30) Sinervo, B., Svensson, E. and Comendant, T. 2000. Density cycles and an offspring quantity and quality game driven by natural selection. Nature 406: 985-988.

29) Svensson, E. and Sinervo, B. 2000. Experimental excursions on adaptive landscapes: density-dependent selection on egg size. Evolution 54: 1396-1403.

28) Sinervo, B. 1999. Mechanistic Analysis of Natural Selection and a Refinement of Lack's and WilliamÕs Principles. American Naturalist 154 SUPPL: S26-S42.

27) Sinervo, B. and Svensson, E. 1998. Mechanistic and selective causes of life history trade-offs and plasticity. Oikos 83 432-442.

26) Rieseberg, L.H., Araias, D.M., Ungerer, M.C., Linder, C.R. and Sinervo, B.  1996.  The effects of mating on introgression between chromosomally divergent sunflower species. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 93: 633-644.

25) Rieseberg, L.H., Sinervo, B., Linder, C.R., Ungerer, M.C. and Arias, D.M. 1996. Role of gene interactions in hybrid speciation: Evidence from ancient and experimental hybrids. Science 272: 741-745.

24) Sinervo, B. and Lively, C.M.  1996.  The rock-scissors-paper game and the evolution of alternative male strategies.  Nature 340: 240-246.

23) Sinervo, B. and Doughty, P.  1996.  Interactive effects of offspring size and timing of reproduction on offspring reproduction: Experimental, maternal, and quantitative genetic aspects.  Evolution 50: 1314-1327.

22) Sinervo, B. and DeNardo, D.F. 1996.  Costs of reproduction in the wild: Path analysis of natural selection and experimental tests of causation.  Evolution 50: 1299-1313.

21) Sinervo, B. and Dunlap, K.D.  1995.  Thyroxine affects behavioral thermoregulation but not growth rate among populations of the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis).  Journal of Comparative Physiological B 164: 509-517.

20) Doughty, P. and Sinervo, B.  1994.  The effects of habitat, time of hatching, and body size on dispersal in Uta stansburiana.  Journal of Herpetology 28: 485-490.

19) Sinervo, B., and Adolph, S.C.  1994.  Growth plasticity and thermal opportunity in Sceloporus lizards.  Ecology 75: 776-790.

18) DeNardo, D.F. and Sinervo, B.  1994a.  Effects of steroid hormone interaction on activity and home-range of male lizards.  Hormones and Behavior 28: 273-287.

17) DeNardo, D.F. and Sinervo, B.  1994b.  Effects of corticosterone on activity and territory size of free-ranging male lizards.  Hormones and Behavior 28: 53-65.

16) Doughty, P., Sinervo, B. and Burghardt, G.M.  1994.  Sex-biased dispersal in a polygynous lizard, Uta stansburiana.  Animal Behavior 47: 227-229.

15) Sinervo, B.  1993.  The effect of offspring size on physiology and life history: manipulation of size using allometric engineering.  Bioscience 43:210-218.

14) Sinervo, B., Doughty, P., Huey, R.B. and Zamudio, K.  1992.  Allometric engineering: A causal analysis of natural selection on offspring size.  Science 258: 1927-1930.

13) Sinervo, B. and Licht, P.  1991b.  Proximate constraints on the evolution of egg size, egg number and total clutch mass in lizards.  Science 252: 1300-1302.

12) Sinervo, B. and Licht, P.  1991a.  The physiological and hormonal control of clutch size, egg size and egg shape in Uta stansburiana: Constraints on the evolution of lizard life histories.  Journal of Experimental Zoology 257: 252-264.

11) Sinervo, B. and Losos, J.B.  1991.  Walking the tight rope: a comparison of arboreal sprint performance among populations of Sceloporus occidentalis.  Ecology 72: 1225-1237.

10) Sinervo, B., Hedges, R. and Adolph, S.C.  1991.  Decreased sprint speed as a cost of reproduction in the lizard Sceloporus occidentalis: variation among populations.  Journal of Experimental Biology 155: 323-336.

9) Sinervo, B. and Doyle, R.W.  1990.  Life-history analysis in ÒphysiologicalÓ compared with ÒsiderealÓ time: an example with an amphipod in a varying environment.  Marine Biology 107: 129-139.

8) Sinervo, B. and Huey, R.B.  1990.  Allometric engineering: testing the causes of interpopulation differences in performance.  Science 248: 1106-1109.

7) Sinervo, B.  1990b.  The evolution of thermal physiology and growth rate between populations of the western fence lizard (Sceloprus occidentalis).  Oecologia 83: 228-237.

6) Sinervo, B.  1990a.  The evolution of maternal investment in lizards: an experimental and comparative analysis of egg size and its effects on offspring performance.  Evolution 44: 279-294.

5) Losos, J.B. and Sinervo, B.  1989.  The effect of morphology and perch size on sprint performance in Anolis lizards.  Journal of Experimental Biology 145: 23-30.

4) Boring, L.F., Sinervo, B. and Schubiger, G.  1989.  Experimental phenocopy of a Minute maternal-effect mutation alters blastoderm determination in embryos of Drosophila melanogaster.  Developmental Biology 132: 343-354.

3) Sinervo, B. and Adolph, S.C.  1989.  The thermal sensitivity of growth in hatchling Sceloporus lizards: environmental, behavioral and genetic aspects.  Oecologia 78: 411-419.

2) Sinervo, B.  1989.  The evolution of growth rate in Sceloporus lizards: environmental, behavioral, maternal, and genetic aspects.  Dissertation, University of Washington, WA.

1) Sinervo, B. and McEdward, L.R.  1988.  Developmental consequences of an evolutionary change in egg size: an experimental test.  Evolution 42: 885-899.

Books in preparation

1)    Sinervo, B. Behavioral Ecology: Genetics and Culture.  Text book with companion CD-ROM. Chapters 1-20 completed (proofing phase), CD-ROM scripting routines complete. (in prep.) online pdfs:

2)    Friedman, D. and Sinervo, B. Evolutionary games in Natural, Virtual and Social Worlds, in prep, Manuscript due in January 2014


Co-Editor of book:

1) Adaptive Genetic Variation in the Wild. T.A. Mousseau, B. Sinervo, and J.A. Endler, eds. 2000.  Oxford University Press, New York. 265 pages

Book Chapters or Book Sections (all peer-reviewed)


16) Lancaster, L. T. and B. Sinervo. 2010. Epistatic Social and Endocrine Networks and the Evolution of Life History Trade-offs and Plasticity, In T. Flatt and A. Heyland, Life history trade-offs: A molecular perspective. Oxford Univ. Press. in A. Heyland, and T. Flatt, eds. Molecular mechanisms of Life History Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

15) Sinervo, B. and D. B. Miles. 2010. Hormones and behavior of reptiles. In R. Nelson and K. Lopez (ed) Hormones and Behavior of Vertebrates. Academic Press.

14) Clobert, J. and Sinervo B. 2010. Co-Editors of a textbook section on Phenotypic Plasticity, with contributed sections by A. Chaine (Introduction), B. Ernande (Theory), E. Danchin (Information), B. Sinervo and J. Clobert (Development, Evolution, and Genetics of Plasticity). Biology textbook, in prep.

13) Sinervo, B., and Calsbeek, R. 2010. Behavioral concepts of selection: experiments and genetic causes of selection on the sexes. In Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. D. Westneat, and C. Fox (eds). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

12) Sinervo, B., and Clobert, J. 2008. Life history strategies, multidimensional trade-offs and behavioural syndromes. (in press) In Behavioral Ecology: An Evolutionary Perspective on Behaviour (E. Danchin, L.-A. Giraldeau, and F. CŽzilly (eds). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 

11) Calsbeek, R. and Sinervo, B. 2008. Alternative reproductive tactics in reptiles. In Alternative reproductive tactics. Edited by J. Brockmann, L. Oliveira, M. Taborsky (in press).

10) Sinervo, B. and Svensson, E. I., 2003. The origin of novel phenotypes: correlational selection, epistasis and speciation, In: Fins into Limbs, B. K. Hall, eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

9) Galis, F. and Sinervo, B. 2003. Conserved early embryonic stages. In: Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Brian K. Hall and Wendy M. Olson (eds.). Harvard University Press, Cambridge M.A.

8) Zamudio K.R. and Sinervo, B.  2003. Ecological and social contexts for the evolution of alternative mating strategies.  In:  Territoriality, Dominance, and Sexual Selection:  Adaptive Variation in Social Behavior among Individuals, Populations, and Species of Lizards.  S.F. Fox, T.A. Baird, and J.K. McCoy, eds.  Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

7) Sinervo, B. 2001. Selection in local neighborhoods, graininess of social environments, and the ecology of alternative strategies, in L. Dugatkin (ed.) Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology. Princeston, NJ: Princeston University Press.

6) Sinervo, B. 2000. Adaptation, natural selection, and optimal life history allocation. In: Adaptive Genetic Variation in the Wild.  T.A. Mousseau, B. Sinervo and J.A. Endler, eds. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 41-64.

5) Sinervo, B.  1997.  Adaptive maternal effects in lizards.  In: Adaptive Maternal Effects.  T. Mousseau and C. Fox, eds.  Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.  pp. 288-306.

4) Sinervo, B. and Basolo, A.L.  1996.  Testing adaptation using phenotypic manipulations.  In: Adaptation. M.R. Rose and G. Lauder, eds. Academic Press, New York.  pp. 148-185.

3) Sinervo, B.  1994a.  Experimental tests of allocation paradigms.  In: Lizard Ecology III, E.R. Pianka and L.J. Vitt, eds.  Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 73-93.

2) Sinervo, B.  1994b.  Experimental manipulations of clutch and egg size of lizards: mechanistic, evolutionary, and conservation aspects.  In: Captive Management and Husbandry of Reptiles and Amphibians.  J.B. Murphy, K. Adler and T.C. Collins, eds. SSAR, Cornell, NY. 183-193.

1) Sinervo, B.  1991.  Experimental and comparative analyses of egg size of lizards.  In: Proc. IVth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology. E. Dudley, ed. Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR. pp. 725-734.

Book Reviews

4) Sinervo, B. 2005. The genesis and maintenance of phenotypic plasticity, Review of the Book: Phenotypic Plasticity: Functional and Conceptual Approaches by T. J. DeWitt and S. Scheiner Bioscience. 55:704-706.

3) Sinervo, B. 1995.  Review of Ecological Morphology: Integrative Organismal Biology, by P.C. Wainwright and S.M. Reilly.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

2) Sinervo, B.  1995.  Review of The Evolution of Life Histories: Theory and Analysis, by D.A. Roff.  Animal Behavior.

1) Sinervo, B.  1992.  Comparative oology review of Egg Incubation: Its Effects of Embryonic Development I Birds and Reptiles, by D.C. Deeming and M.W.J. Ferguson.  Science.