Questions For Guest Lecture


1) What are the two general forms of brood parasites and how do they differ? What are the advantages to each?


2) In American Coots some females are parasitic and other are not. Describe what the different strategies are in relation to genetic versus plastic response. Why don't all females parasitize others?


3) Studies on Goldeneye and Wood Ducks suggest that intraspecific brood parasitism should be considered in our conservation descisions. Explain why in relation to social factors and fitness effects of these behaviors.


4) A number of hypotheses have been put forth to explain why hosts species do not reject parasitic eggs from obligate brood parasites. Pick 2 (one for cowbirds and one for cuckoos) and explain the logic behind these hypotheses.


5) Cockoos and their hosts have been described as being in a coevolutionary arms race. Describe this process and point out in each instance how the adaptation might be an honest or dishonest signal. (HINT: who is the signaler and reciever in each case? Is it always the same??)

NOTE question 5 and 4 may be combined in interesting ways for a difficult exam question!