Grading for CD-ROM Exercises


Addendum for Foraging

Excercise 1: The Queen


The queen has two roles when there are no workers in the nest. She gathers nectar and lays eggs.


1) To put nectar in a cell, hover over the cell and click.


2) To lay an egg in a cell, hover over the cell, and while holding the space bar down, click.


3) To feed a larva, use the same actions for laying an egg.


4) Keep track of your success rate by looking at the score.


5) You can also plot your data and track your learning curve.


Excercise 2. Foraging under threat of predation


1) How does the threat of predation affect your ability to forage?


2) Design an experiment to test your hypotheses about how predation and vigilance affect your foraging efficiency.


3) Test your hypothesis by carrying out your experiment and collecting data.


4) Report on your findings to your TA (SEE WEB PAGE).


In your report consider how the assumptions of pure optimality foraging are affected by the added wrinkle of a predator. Make sure your discussion answers the following question:

What is being optimized when foraging under a risk of predation? (Hint discuss in terms of the score for the game).