Papers that exceeds the specified page limit will not be read.
Both granting agencies and many scientific journals have strict page limits and will not accept any papers that exceed page limits. Therefore it is important to learn how to write papers that are precise and concise. Essential skills in scientific writing include determining what information is essential and what is not, and stating the essential information in the most precise and concise manner possible.
Specifications (so that we can read your paper without going blind or crazy):
Below is a general, quick outline of what should go into each section
of a paper. I follow each section with an example from one of your lab reports
in an attempt to make my points clear. As your skills improve, you will
depart from this straight-forward approach, but this will help you to get
Abstract. Many papers require an abstract. An abstract is a short
section which summarizes the entire paper. When first starting to write
scientifically, the easiest way to write an abstract is to summarize each
section of the paper (introduction, methods, etc.) with no more than 3 sentences.
Many students fail to include numbers and statistics in their abstracts.
If your data contain numbers, your abstract should too, i.e. "the frogs
jumped an average of 6.5 ± .2 cm" or " the green frogs
jumped significantly farther than the red frogs (t = 5.6, P .001)."
Introduction. The introduction sets the tone of the paper and introduces
the concepts relevant to understanding the project being described. It is
best to start with the broad biological concept or application of the work
and slowly become more specific. By the end of the introduction, the reader
should know the broad biological phenomenon of interest, the way that this
system is related to that concept, and the most general hypotheses or predictions
involved in the study.
Methods. The methods should basically explain the nuts and bolts
of the experiment in two parts. The first portion of the methods describes
the experiment in sufficient detail such that the reader (with a background
similar to your own) could repeat it. This includes stating the statistical
tests used and the comparisons made by the statistical tests. The second
portion of the methods may describe unanticipated changes in protocol. Justification
for methodology is sometimes necessary when a more appropriate technique
was not used (e.g., all animals in one treatment died, so the comparisons
between treatments were not made. These other comparisons were made instead).
Also, the results of planned analyses often lead to unanticipated trends
and further analyses. These should be mentioned as well.
Results. The results section should tell the reader what the basic
results of the experiment were. A good format to follow is to go through
the experiment stepwise, hypothesis by hypothesis / research question by
research question, and address it. If possible, present data in a figure.
Figures are usually the easiest ways to quickly understand trends in data.
Tables should be your second choice. Present data in text format only if
it is extremely simple. Don't forget figure and table legends.
Examine your figures and tables for interesting trends or notable comparisons
and direct the readers attention to them. Do not explain or interpret the
results; simply present them.
A note about figures and tables. Figures and tables should go on their own
pages and be attached to the end of the text. Figure legends go under the
figures, table legends go above the table. Keep these tips in mind:
Once you have narrowed a figure down to a few styles, show it to someone and simply ask how it looks. Get feedback on information content and then aesthetics. A figure is well done when it is clear, aesthetically pleasing, and relays all information with the caption, axes headings, and legend. Making good figures and tables takes considerable thought and effort, but in the end it can make or break an argument and possibly a paper. The clarity of data presentation is critical to convincing a skeptical reviewer you are correct in your interpretations.
Discussion. In the discussion you explain and interpret your results and compare your work to that of other investigators (previously published papers). Again, it may be best to start with the broad biological concept. Remind the reader why this is important. Answer your research questions, one at a time. Weave together all the data which support your conclusion, and discuss why the data support your conclusion. Discuss results contrary to your predictions, etc. Towards the end of the paper, discuss the implications of the research, compare your work to the findings of other investigators (published literature) and perhaps point to new directions for further study. When writing the discussion, refer to the introduction. They should be linked conceptually. If there are significant portions of one that do not appear in the other, then add or delete information so they fit together.
References. References come at the end of the document and nearly
all publications have their own style. Consult journals for details.